Thursday, January 27, 2011

Nakuru Day 1

Monday 24.01.11
We had a bit of a late start for Nakuru as we didn’t realise we had so much stuff.  It took a while to finish packing and convince the hotel staff to keep some of our luggage until Thursday when we will come through on our way to Mombasa to pick it all up.  Then we had a bit of trouble paying as none of our cards were accepted so we will pick up some cash and pay on Thursday.
This morning it was absolutely pouring with rain for the first time this year and the roads in and around town were flooded up to our ankles!  Fortunately we got a taxi from the front of the hotel to drop us straight at the matatu stage and hardly got wet at all!
Tammi and I sat at the front of the matatu on the bench seat along with the driver.  We were slightly terrified as these seats are referred to as the ‘death seats’ as matatu crashes are common, and the driver and any front passengers are usually killed.  Fortunately we survived with all of our limbs in tact, but it was a very squished ride!
We made it to Nakuru and met with Olympus, Tammi’s friend we were staying with.  He lives past Section 58, near Hyrax Hill and Naka on the highway just before town but before heading there we had a quick lunch at Gillani’s first.  They made great onion bajias and hopefully I can get back for some more!  Olympus’ place is a couple of hundred metres off the highway and right down on the flats near the border of Lake Nakuru National Park.  The view was amazing and we could see the lake and also roaming buffalo.  
At Olympus’ we also met up with Melanie, Aneisha’s sister from Mission In Action.  Melanie’s ten month old daughter Natalie and partner Kimani are moving to Mombasa also, where Melanie will become the Upinde Centre’s social worker.  They are also staying at Olympus’ until we head to Mombasa on Thursday.  As there is not enough room in the car though, they will get the bus there.
After unpacking we headed back to town for Tammi’s dentist appointment.  It was booked for 3pm but after an hour and a half of being told that the dentist was still at lunch, we gave up and made another appointment for Wednesday mornning, hopefully with better luck!
We then did a bit of browsing in the touristy market, the masai market and met Olympus there and went back to his place.  We had a very late 10pm dinner that was absolutely delicious!  It was rice with potato and tomato stew so it was worth the wait!  Finally after a big day we made it to bed.

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