Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bus trip

Sunday 06.02.11
We jumped on a matatu and headed into town for our 9am bus departure.  We went with Maslah, and in the past day, everybody we had told had laughed at us saying that they were more like a matatu service than a bus.  We didn’t really understand what they meant until our trip began.
The bus stopped every ten minutes out of Nairobi to pick up people and made constant detours off the highway along the way to pick up or drop off passengers.  At some points, there were so many people aboard that they sat on milk crates in the aisles.  The other similarity to matatus, was the quality of the ride.  It was such a bumpy trip!  It took us a while to realise it was not the condition of the road, but the bus itself causing the rattling.  We were a bit worried about reaching Nairobi in one piece!
Tammi slept the entire 8 and a half hour trip as she was still feeling pretty seedy after last night.  I read most of the trip and managed to get through an entire novel.  Finally after a ridiculously hot, sticky and sweaty trip we arrived in Nairobi and headed to Khweza for dinner and a good night’s sleep.

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