Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mombasa nights

Saturday 12.02.11
I was up pretty early as usual, and finished packing what I could.  I did some more hand washing and when that dried I finished off packing my bags for the trip home tomorrow.  We then went into town to book our bus trip to Nairobi.  While there we visited Fort Jesus just off the main street.  It is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Mombasa.  It was originally built by the Portugese in the 1600s but later taken over and reinforced by the Arabs.  It is quite an impressive structure and I got some nice photos too.
Tammi and I then headed home for dinner.  We discovered that unfortunately Melvin had broken and only the stove top is workng, but not the actual oven anymore which is a shame and Tammi is devastated!  So we now think that when we originally bought him and we couldn’t get him to work, we weren’t silly mzungus after all - but there is a problem with Melvin!
Throughout the day we were texting Mel, as her and Kim had not been home.  They are avoiding us and being quite rude.  The second we get home, they rush straight out.  So we told Mel that considering they ahd already told us they were leaving for Nakuru tomorrow also that they needed to be out and return the keys the same time we were leaving, by 8am tomorrow.  Kim was especially not impressed and began leaving a series of nasty facebook posts.  Really it just shows how immature they are being, and also how ungrateful they are.  After all, Tammi let Mel keep a month’s wage, even though she only worked a week and even that you would not really call work!
About 9:30pm Omosh turned up to pick us up to see some other clubs in Mombasa.  We were expecting Josh to be with him but unfortunately he was delayed and would join us later in the evening, apparently.  Again, it was beginning to look like a bit of a setup!  So off  we went without Josh, heading first to Tembo, which is apparently the biggest open air disco in Eastern Kenya.  It even has a restaurant and a strippers!  The drinks were a bit expensive though, so we decided to head on back to Casaurina.  At this stage Tammi called Josh and not surprisingly he didn’t even answer.  So we realised that he wasn’t joining us after all but still enjoyed our night with Omosh.
At Casaurina we met another mzungu from Norway, Kristen, and her Kenyan boyfriend.  He had a brother who decided he wanted to spend the night dancing with me, even after my assurances that I had a husband!  He was not deterred, and was quite keen to become my Kenyan husband!  It is such a strange lifestyle, even after a month here I still find myself laughing at it.  Especially the ugly, old mzungu men with their hot, young Kenyan wives.  It’s so disgusting I can’t help but laugh every time I see them together dancing!
Again, we made it home at about 2am and crawled into bed for a few hours sleep before our bus ride to Nairobi.  Fortunately Tammi fared a bit better than last time and didn’t spend the whole night in the bathroom!

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